
Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Arusha National Park

0800 hrs: Pick up from Arusha City and drive to Arusha National Park. The Park (137 sq km), has terrain ranging from open savannah through acacia scrubland to Afro Mountain cloud and rain forest and Afro-alpine vegetation similar to Mount Kilimanjaro. There are several alkaline lakes and the spectacular Ngurdoto Crater. Mammal species include elephant, buffalo, various primates, giraffe and leopard. Hiking is allowed if accompanied by an armed guard and the climb up to Mt Meru is superb, often giving the best views available of Mt Kilimanjaro. At 4,556m.a.s.l, Mount Meru is the fifth highest mountain in Africa and is located in Arusha National Park. Lunch is served at Momella Wildlife Lodge/Picnic site. The Tour ends in Arusha City at around 1700hrs.

Kilimanjaro National Park – Marangu

 0800 hrs: Pick up from Arusha City and drive to Moshi Town, east of Arusha City, which is about 1 hour drive. From there, you will drive 40 kms to reach the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Kilimanjaro is the crown of Tanzania, also referred to as the roof of Africa. Occupying the 755 sq kms of Mount Kilimanjaro and its surroundings since 1973. The visit takes to you the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro whereby you will witness the rain forest and then walk to the water falls. Apart from its dramatic geological features and the beautiful contain vegetation, Mount Kilimanjaro is also notable for its bird life which is plentiful in the rich forest Zone. Lunch is served at one of the Hotel/picnic lunch at the foot of the Mountain. Return to Arusha city by 1700hrs. 

Manyara National Park

 0800 hrs: Pick up from Arusha City and drive to Lake Manyara. This is one of the most diverse of Tanzania’s national parks, a tiny 315 sq km, combination of Rift Valley, lake dense woodlands and steep mountainside. Manyara is a birding paradise – more than 380 species, especially for waterfowl and migration and the forests are one of the best places around to see lions hunt on the grassy shores of the lake and were once known for their habit of climbing trees. The park can easily be seen in a day. Most visitors will tailor a visit to Manyara to fit in with their safari to worlds most known, NGORONGORO – SERENGETI. Lunch is included at one of the lodge/picnic site. You return back to Arusha City by 1700 hrs.

Tarangire National Park

0800 hrs. Depart from Arusha City to Tarangire National Park – 2600 sq kms in size. Tarangire is far from being the biggest of the Tanzania parks, but its unrivalled landscape of open plains, dotted with thousands of baobabs. About 120 kms south of Arusha, Tarangire is known for its very big herds of Elephant and buffalo. This is one of the Africa’s gems. The game numbers are staggering: about 30,000 zebra, 25,000 wildebeests, 5000 buffalo, 3,000 elephant, 2500 Maasai giraffe and over  1,000 fringe-eared Oryx.  Predators include lion, cheetah and leopard  and birders will want to look out for the endemic ashy starling, rufous-tailed weaver and black-collared lovebird. Lunch is served at one of the Hotel/picnic site. Return to Arusha city by 1700hrs.

Ngorongoro Crater

 0700 hrs: Pick up from Arusha City. The Ngorongoro Crater, which stands 2286 m above the sea level, is the largest unbroken caldera in the World. Surrounded by very steep walls rising 610 m from the crater floor, this natural amphitheatre measures about 19 km across in diameter and has an area of 260 sq km. It is impossible to give a fair description of the Crater, so writes Prof. Bernard Grzimek. THIS IS NOTHING WITH WHICH TO COMPARE - IT IS ONE OF THE 8TH WONDERS OF THE WORLD! On the floor of the Garden of Eden, roam hundreds of thousands of plain animals, elephant, buffalo, zebra, wildebeest, gazelle, rhino, velvet monkey and the ever hungry predators, including hyenas and black manned lion, can be observed at close quarters in their natural habitats.
You return back to Arusha city by 1800 hrs.

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